Rails Best Practices 2019 for Rubynetti
These are the conventions and references we are using this year for our projects with Ruby On Rails.
Boring Rest
- In relentless pursuit of rest
- Rails in the pursuit of writing boring code
- How to DHH organizes his rails controllers
We use a mix of vue and stimulus.
When things are easy we use stimulus.
When things are complex we use vue.
For the moment we avoid SPA and we prefer to use vue as widget handler.
Mailer organization
- Haml
- Pundit (we are trying to say goodbye to Cancancan because we like simple things)
- Devise
- Webpacker
- Ransack
- Filterrific
New features of Rails 6
We like e we use a lot 2 new features of Rails:
- ActionText with trix editor
- ActiveStorage instead Paperclip
This document is a working in progess